9. m2nk-803
① The
1 c_____ then
2 f_____ to the parrot and said, "The swan said you are the happiest bird
because you have
3 c____________ 4 f____________."
까마귀는 그 다음에 앵무새에게 날아가서 말했다, "백조가 말하기를 당신이 형형색색의 깃털을 가졌기 때문에 가장 행복한 새래요."btstudy.com-you can be great we will help you-wayne
② The parrot
5 e______________, "I
6 l_______ a very happy
7 l_____ until I saw a peacock.
앵무새는 설명했다, "나는 공작새를 보기 전까지는 매우 행복한 삶을 살았어.btstudy.com-you can be great we will help you-wayne
③ My feathers are colorful, but the peacock's feathers are colorful, big, and
8 g____________.
내 깃털은 색이 다채롭지만, 공작새의 깃털은 색이 다채로운 데다 크고 화려하기까지 하거든.btstudy.com-you can be great we will help you-wayne
④ So he is
9 l_______ by everyone."
그래서 그는 모든 사람에게 사랑받지."btstudy.com-you can be great we will help you-wayne btstudy.com-you can be great we will help you-wayne
10. m2nk-804
① The
1 c_____ then
2 v__________ the peacock at the zoo.
까마귀는 그래서 동물원의 공작새에게 갔다.btstudy.com-you can be great we will help you-wayne
② There were a lot of people around the peacock, and they
3 p__________ him for his
4 b_________.
공작새 주변에는 많은 사람이 있었고, 그들은 그의 아름다움을 칭송했다.btstudy.com-you can be great we will help you-wayne
③ The crow
5 t__________ the peacock must be the happiest bird in the world.
까마귀는 공작새가 세상에서 가장 행복한 새가 틀림없다고 생각했다.btstudy.com-you can be great we will help you-wayne
④ After all the people left, the crow started to talk to the peacock.
btstudy.com-you can be great we will help you-wayne
⑤ "Peacock, you are so
6 b______________.
"공작새님, 당신은 참 아름다워요.btstudy.com-you can be great we will help you-wayne
⑥ Many people come to see you every day.
btstudy.com-you can be great we will help you-wayne
On the other hand, when people see me, they
7 c_______ me away.
반면에 사람들은 저를 보면, 저를 쫓아내요.btstudy.com-you can be great we will help you-wayne
⑧ I think you are the happiest bird in the world."
btstudy.com-you can be great we will help you-wayne
⑨ The peacock said, "I may be the most beautiful bird, but I'm not happy.
btstudy.com-you can be great we will help you-wayne
Because of my beauty, I am
8 s_______ in this zoo.
나의 아름다움 때문에 내가 이 동물원에 갇혀 있거든.btstudy.com-you can be great we will help you-wayne
9 U_________ me, you aren't
10 k_____ in a
11 c_____.
나와 달리 너는 우리에 갇혀 있지 않잖아.btstudy.com-you can be great we will help you-wayne
⑫ I want to be like you
because you can go anywhere."
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11. m2nk-805
① After the
1 c_____ 2 t_________ to the peacock, he started to think about who the happiest bird was.
까마귀는 공작새와 대화한 후에, 누가 가장 행복한 새인지 생각하기 시작했다.btstudy.com-you can be great we will help you-wayne
② The crow
3 t__________ to himself, "The peacock's
4 f____________ are
5 i________________, but he is
6 s_______ in a
7 c_____.
까마귀는 조용히 생각했다, "공작새의 깃털은 인상적이지만 그는 우리에 갇혀 있어.btstudy.com-you can be great we will help you-wayne
③ I don't have
8 c____________ feathers, but I'm
9 f_____ to fly anywhere."
나는 형형색색의 깃털은 없지만, 어디든 자유롭게 날아갈 수 있어."btstudy.com-you can be great we will help you-wayne
④ The crow went
10 b_____ to the
11 f_________.
까마귀는 숲으로 돌아갔다.btstudy.com-you can be great we will help you-wayne
⑤ He
12 l_________ at himself in the water again and saw the happiest bird in the world.
그는 물에 비친 자신을 다시 보았고 세상에서 가장 행복한 새를 보았다.btstudy.com-you can be great we will help you-wayne btstudy.com-you can be great we will help you-wayne