244_dg2 xbn4.txt (1-99) ⌬ 블루티쳐영어
25년 01월 09일
1. m2nk-601

① Teacher: Good morning, everyone! can be great we will help you-wayne
② How were your 1 f_______ 2 t_______ 3 l_____ week?
지난주 수학여행은 어땠나요? can be great we will help you-wayne
4 P_________ tell us about them!
얘기해 봅시다! can be great we will help you-wayne
④ Busan, Market Heaven Do you like 5 t__________________ 6 m__________?
부산, 시장 천국 재래시장을 좋아하세요? can be great we will help you-wayne
⑤ Then go to Gukje Market in Busan. can be great we will help you-wayne
⑥ It is one of the most 7 f_________ markets in Busan.
그곳은 부산에서 가장 유명한 시장 중 하나입니다. can be great we will help you-wayne
⑦ Do you know what it is famous for? can be great we will help you-wayne
⑧ It is famous for 8 s__________ a 9 v__________ of 10 g_______ from 11 d______________ countries.
그 시장은 여러 나라에서 온 다양한 제품들을 파는 것으로 유명합니다. can be great we will help you-wayne
⑨ It was 12 i__________________ to see all the 13 i_____________________ goods there.
그곳에서 세계 곳곳의 제품들을 모두 볼 수 있어서 흥미로웠습니다. can be great we will help you-wayne
⑩ We also ate many 14 k_______ of street food, such as Gimbap, fish cake, and Hotteok.
우리는 또한 김밥, 어묵 그리고 호떡과 같은 여러 종류의 길거리 음식을 먹었습니다. can be great we will help you-wayne
⑪ Then we 15 w_________ to Bosu-dong Book Street.
그러고 나서 우리는 보수동 책방 골목으로 걸어갔습니다. can be great we will help you-wayne
⑫ Many bookstores there 16 s_____ 17 u_____ books.
그곳의 많은 서점에서는 중고 책을 팝니다. can be great we will help you-wayne
⑬ We were 18 r_________ 19 e__________ because we 20 f_______ some old comic books!
우리는 몇 권의 오래된 만화책을 발견해서 정말 신이 났습니다! can be great we will help you-wayne
⑭ It was nice to 21 r_______ in a café and read them.
카페에서 휴식을 취하며 그 책들을 읽는 것이 좋았습니다. can be great we will help you-wayne can be great we will help you-wayne
2. m2nk-602

① There is no place like Gangwon-do for 1 b______________ 2 n_________.
아름다운 자연에 관한 한 강원도만 한 곳이 없습니다. can be great we will help you-wayne
② First, we went to Baengnyong 3 C_____.
우선, 우리는 백룡동굴로 갔습니다. can be great we will help you-wayne
③ This 1-8-kilometer-long cave is 4 s_______ in good 5 c______________.
이 1-8킬로미터 길이의 동굴은 여전히 잘 보존된 상태입니다. can be great we will help you-wayne
④ It was so 6 a__________ to see its 7 n__________ 8 b_________.
그곳의 자연의 아름다움을 보는 것은 매우 놀라웠습니다. can be great we will help you-wayne
9 N_____ the end of our cave 10 t_____, the 11 g_______ 12 t_________ 13 o___ the 14 l_________ in the cave for a minute.
동굴 관광의 끝 무렵, 안내인이 동굴 안의 불을 잠시 껐습니다. can be great we will help you-wayne
⑥ Everything became very 15 d_____, so we were 16 a_____ to 17 f_______ on the 18 s_________ there.
모든 것이 매우 어두워져서, 우리는 그곳의 소리에 집중할 수 있었습니다. can be great we will help you-wayne
⑦ It was the most amazing 19 e________________ of the tour!
그것은 여행에서 가장 경이로운 경험이었습니다! can be great we will help you-wayne
⑧ Our next stop was Donggang. can be great we will help you-wayne
⑨ We went 20 r__________!
우리는 래프팅을 하러 갔습니다! can be great we will help you-wayne
⑩ It was 21 e____________ to ride on the 22 r_______ water and 23 e_______ the 24 v_____ at the same time.
급류를 타면서 동시에 경치를 즐기는 것은 흥미진진했습니다. can be great we will help you-wayne can be great we will help you-wayne
3. m2nk-603

① Do you know where the first train station in Korea is? can be great we will help you-wayne
② How about the first Jajangmyeon? can be great we will help you-wayne
③ The answer is Incheon! can be great we will help you-wayne
④ This place has many of Korea's 1 f_________.
이곳에는 한국의 최초의 것들이 많이 있습니다. can be great we will help you-wayne
⑤ To get there, we went to Incheon Station. can be great we will help you-wayne
⑥ The Jajangmyeon Museum is next to the station. can be great we will help you-wayne
⑦ We 2 l__________ about the 3 h__________ of Jajangmyeon there.
우리는 그곳에서 자장면의 역사에 대하여 배웠습니다. can be great we will help you-wayne
4 L_______, we 5 w_________ around Jayu Park, the first Western-style park in Korea.
다음에는, 한국 최초의 서구식 공원인 자유 공원을 거닐었습니다. can be great we will help you-wayne
⑨ The 6 v_____ from the park was 7 a__________!
공원에서 바라본 경치는 정말 멋있었습니다! can be great we will help you-wayne
⑩ It was great to see the 8 h________________ 9 s_______ of this city from the park.
공원에서 이 도시의 역사적인 장소들을 바라보는 것은 아주 좋았습니다. can be great we will help you-wayne
⑪ Teacher: Wow, these 10 p_________ sound great!
교사: 와, 이곳들은 멋지게 들리네요! can be great we will help you-wayne
⑫ You all have done a 11 w______________ job on your 12 p_____________________!
여러분 모두 발표를 훌륭하게 잘했어요! can be great we will help you-wayne can be great we will help you-wayne
4. m2nk-701

1 S_____- 2 d__________ cars will be on the market.
자율주행차들이 시장에 나올 것이다. can be great we will help you-wayne
② People will have robots that do everything for them. can be great we will help you-wayne
③ 3D 3 p____________ in every home will print out 4 a_________ everything.
모든 가정의 3D 프린터가 거의 모든 것을 출력해 낼 것이다. can be great we will help you-wayne
④ People will 5 t_____ space 6 t_______.
사람들은 우주여행을 할 것이다. can be great we will help you-wayne
⑤ People will 7 l_____ under the sea or in 8 f____________ cities.
사람들은 바다 밑이나 공중 도시에서 살 것이다. can be great we will help you-wayne
⑥ Look at the pictures above. can be great we will help you-wayne
⑦ Do these 9 i_______ 10 s____________ you?
이 생각들이 놀랍습니까? can be great we will help you-wayne
⑧ You can see that our 11 l_______ will be very 12 d______________ in the future.
당신은 미래에 우리의 삶이 매우 달라질 것을 볼 수 있습니다. can be great we will help you-wayne
⑨ As our lives 13 c_________, many new jobs will 14 a_________.
우리의 삶이 변화함에 따라 새로운 직업들이 많이 생겨날 것입니다. can be great we will help you-wayne
⑩ What kind of job do you want? can be great we will help you-wayne
⑪ What will your future 15 l_____ be like?
미래의 당신 삶은 어떤 모습일까요? can be great we will help you-wayne
⑫ The 16 f______________ people 17 l_________ 18 a_______ and 19 c_______ jobs that will be 20 i______________ in the future.
다음의 사람들은 앞을 내다보고 미래에 중요하게 될 직업을 선택하였습니다. can be great we will help you-wayne
⑬ Let's read about their jobs! can be great we will help you-wayne can be great we will help you-wayne
5. m2nk-702

① Do you see the flower 1 p___ that Sujin made?
수진이 만든 화분이 보이시나요? can be great we will help you-wayne
② It was made from old street 2 f_______.
그것은 낡은 거리 현수막으로 만들어진 것입니다. can be great we will help you-wayne
③ She is an 3 u______________ 4 d____________.
그녀는 업사이클링 디자이너입니다. can be great we will help you-wayne
④ She 5 w_______ with 6 w_______ 7 m______________ to make new 8 p____________.
그녀는 폐기물을 가지고 새로운 제품을 만듭니다. can be great we will help you-wayne
⑤ Her products show people that old materials can be 9 u_________ in new ways.
그녀의 제품들은 낡은 재료가 새로운 방식으로 유용해질 수 있다는 것을 사람들에게 보여줍니다. can be great we will help you-wayne
⑥ Upcycling can 10 r_________ the 11 a_________ of waste in the future.
업사이클링은 미래에 쓰레기의 양을 줄일 수 있습니다. can be great we will help you-wayne
⑦ To become an upcycling designer, you should be 12 c____________ and 13 l_______ about 14 a___.
업사이클링 디자이너가 되려면 당신은 창의적이어야 하며 미술을 배워야 합니다. can be great we will help you-wayne
⑧ Have you ever 15 h_______ of 3D 16 m____________?
3D 모형 제작자에 관하여 들어 본 적 있으신가요? can be great we will help you-wayne
⑨ Taeho, a 3D 17 m__________, works for a 18 c__________ that 19 m_______ 20 a________________ hands and legs.
3D 모형 제작자인 태호는 인공 손과 다리를 만드는 회사에서 일합니다. can be great we will help you-wayne
⑩ Taeho 21 u_____ 22 s__________ software to print out new hands and legs.
태호는 새 손과 다리를 만들기 위하여 특별한 소프트웨어를 사용합니다. can be great we will help you-wayne
⑪ They are made 23 s______________ for 24 p____________.
그것들은 환자를 위하여 특별히 제작됩니다. can be great we will help you-wayne
⑫ If you are good at computer 25 p__________________ and art, you can be a 3D modeler.
만약 당신이 컴퓨터 프로그래밍이나 미술에 뛰어나다면, 3D 모형 제작자가 될 수 있습니다. can be great we will help you-wayne
⑬ Taeho 26 w_______ more people to use 3D 27 p__________ products in the future.
태호는 미래에 더 많은 사람이 3D 프린터로 출력된 제품들을 사용하기를 원합니다. can be great we will help you-wayne can be great we will help you-wayne
6. m2nk-703

① Jihye is a big data 1 s________________.
지혜는 빅데이터 전문가입니다. can be great we will help you-wayne
② She 2 w_______ on many 3 p____________.
그녀는 많은 프로젝트에서 일합니다. can be great we will help you-wayne
③ For 4 e__________, 5 l_____ year, she made bus 6 r_________.
예를 들어, 작년에 그녀는 버스 노선을 만들었습니다. can be great we will help you-wayne
④ To find the best night routes, she needed to 7 c__________ smartphone use data and taxi use 8 p____________ from late-night 9 t______________.
최적의 심야 노선을 찾기 위하여, 그녀는 심야에 이동하는 사람들의 스마트폰 이용 정보와 택시 이용 패턴을 수집할 필요가 있었습니다. can be great we will help you-wayne
⑤ Then she 10 a____________ this 11 i__________________ to 12 c_________ the most 13 u_________ routes.
그런 다음 그녀는 그 정보를 분석하여 가장 유용한 노선을 만들었습니다. can be great we will help you-wayne
⑥ Now Jihye is working with an online shopping 14 m_____.
현재 지혜는 온라인 쇼핑몰과 작업하고 있습니다. can be great we will help you-wayne
⑦ She is 15 c________________ data from 16 c______________ to find out the best styles for them.
그녀는 소비자들에게 맞는 최적의 스타일을 찾기 위하여 데이터를 수집하고 있습니다. can be great we will help you-wayne
⑧ She knows big data 17 a_________ us to 18 l_______ more about our 19 d_______ 20 l_______.
그녀는 빅데이터가 우리에게 일상생활에 관하여 더 많이 알게 해 준다는 것을 알고 있습니다. can be great we will help you-wayne
⑨ If you want to become a big data specialist, you should 21 d__________ your 22 m_____ and 23 p__________- 24 s__________ 25 s_________!
만약 당신이 빅데이터 전문가가 되고 싶다면, 수학과 문제 해결 능력을 계발해야 합니다! can be great we will help you-wayne
⑩ Think about yourself and 26 p__________ for your future.
자신에 대하여 생각해 보고 미래를 준비하세요. can be great we will help you-wayne
⑪ If you 27 k_____ 28 l__________ 29 a_______ and 30 d____________ big, your future will be 31 b_________.
만약 당신이 계속 앞을 내다보고 꿈을 크게 꾼다면, 당신의 미래는 밝을 것입니다. can be great we will help you-wayne can be great we will help you-wayne
7. m2nk-801

① Once upon a time, there was a 1 c_____ who 2 l_______ in a 3 f_________.
옛날 옛적에 숲에 사는 까마귀 한 마리가 있었다. can be great we will help you-wayne
② The crow was very happy with his 4 l_____.
그 까마귀는 그의 삶에 매우 행복했다. can be great we will help you-wayne
③ He always 5 l_________ at himself in the water.
그는 항상 자신의 모습을 물에 비춰보았다. can be great we will help you-wayne
④ He 6 t__________ no one was more 7 b______________ than he was.
그는 자신보다 더 아름다운 새는 없다고 생각했다. can be great we will help you-wayne can be great we will help you-wayne
8. m2nk-802

① Then one day, the 1 c_____ saw a swan on the lake.
그러던 어느 날 까마귀는 호수에서 백조를 보았다. can be great we will help you-wayne
② "The swan is so white," he 2 t__________, "but I am so black.
"백조는 정말 하얗구나," 그는 생각했다, "그런데 나는 너무 까매. can be great we will help you-wayne
③ I have never 3 s_____ such a white bird before.
나는 저렇게 하얀 새를 전에 본 적이 없어. can be great we will help you-wayne
④ His 4 b_________ 5 s_________ so 6 b____________.
그의 아름다움은 정말 환하게 빛나는구나. can be great we will help you-wayne
⑤ The swan must be the happiest bird in the world." can be great we will help you-wayne
⑥ He went to the swan and 7 e______________ his 8 t____________. "
그는 백조에게 가서 그의 생각을 표현했다. can be great we will help you-wayne
9 A____________," the swan said, "I thought that I was the happiest bird.
"사실은," 백조가 대답했다, "나는 내가 가장 행복한 새라고 생각했어. can be great we will help you-wayne
⑧ But then I saw a parrot. can be great we will help you-wayne
⑨ Now I think the parrot is the happiest bird in the world." can be great we will help you-wayne
⑩ The crow 10 a_______ why he thought so.
까마귀는 그가 왜 그렇게 생각하는지 물었다. can be great we will help you-wayne
⑪ The swan 11 a____________, "The parrot has 12 c____________ 13 f____________.
백조는 대답했다, "앵무새는 형형색색의 깃털을 가졌거든. can be great we will help you-wayne
⑫ He is more 14 b______________ than I am.
그는 나보다 더 아름다워. can be great we will help you-wayne
⑬ He must be 15 p_______ of his 16 a________________."
그는 틀림없이 자신의 외모를 자랑스러워할 거야." can be great we will help you-wayne can be great we will help you-wayne
9. m2nk-803

① The 1 c_____ then 2 f_____ to the parrot and said, "The swan said you are the happiest bird because you have 3 c____________ 4 f____________."
까마귀는 그 다음에 앵무새에게 날아가서 말했다, "백조가 말하기를 당신이 형형색색의 깃털을 가졌기 때문에 가장 행복한 새래요." can be great we will help you-wayne
② The parrot 5 e______________, "I 6 l_______ a very happy 7 l_____ until I saw a peacock.
앵무새는 설명했다, "나는 공작새를 보기 전까지는 매우 행복한 삶을 살았어. can be great we will help you-wayne
③ My feathers are colorful, but the peacock's feathers are colorful, big, and 8 g____________.
내 깃털은 색이 다채롭지만, 공작새의 깃털은 색이 다채로운 데다 크고 화려하기까지 하거든. can be great we will help you-wayne
④ So he is 9 l_______ by everyone."
그래서 그는 모든 사람에게 사랑받지." can be great we will help you-wayne can be great we will help you-wayne
10. m2nk-804

① The 1 c_____ then 2 v__________ the peacock at the zoo.
까마귀는 그래서 동물원의 공작새에게 갔다. can be great we will help you-wayne
② There were a lot of people around the peacock, and they 3 p__________ him for his 4 b_________.
공작새 주변에는 많은 사람이 있었고, 그들은 그의 아름다움을 칭송했다. can be great we will help you-wayne
③ The crow 5 t__________ the peacock must be the happiest bird in the world.
까마귀는 공작새가 세상에서 가장 행복한 새가 틀림없다고 생각했다. can be great we will help you-wayne
④ After all the people left, the crow started to talk to the peacock. can be great we will help you-wayne
⑤ "Peacock, you are so 6 b______________.
"공작새님, 당신은 참 아름다워요. can be great we will help you-wayne
⑥ Many people come to see you every day. can be great we will help you-wayne
On the other hand, when people see me, they 7 c_______ me away.
반면에 사람들은 저를 보면, 저를 쫓아내요. can be great we will help you-wayne
⑧ I think you are the happiest bird in the world." can be great we will help you-wayne
⑨ The peacock said, "I may be the most beautiful bird, but I'm not happy. can be great we will help you-wayne
Because of my beauty, I am 8 s_______ in this zoo.
나의 아름다움 때문에 내가 이 동물원에 갇혀 있거든. can be great we will help you-wayne
9 U_________ me, you aren't 10 k_____ in a 11 c_____.
나와 달리 너는 우리에 갇혀 있지 않잖아. can be great we will help you-wayne
⑫ I want to be like you because you can go anywhere." can be great we will help you-wayne can be great we will help you-wayne
11. m2nk-805

① After the 1 c_____ 2 t_________ to the peacock, he started to think about who the happiest bird was.
까마귀는 공작새와 대화한 후에, 누가 가장 행복한 새인지 생각하기 시작했다. can be great we will help you-wayne
② The crow 3 t__________ to himself, "The peacock's 4 f____________ are 5 i________________, but he is 6 s_______ in a 7 c_____.
까마귀는 조용히 생각했다, "공작새의 깃털은 인상적이지만 그는 우리에 갇혀 있어. can be great we will help you-wayne
③ I don't have 8 c____________ feathers, but I'm 9 f_____ to fly anywhere."
나는 형형색색의 깃털은 없지만, 어디든 자유롭게 날아갈 수 있어." can be great we will help you-wayne
④ The crow went 10 b_____ to the 11 f_________.
까마귀는 숲으로 돌아갔다. can be great we will help you-wayne
⑤ He 12 l_________ at himself in the water again and saw the happiest bird in the world.
그는 물에 비친 자신을 다시 보았고 세상에서 가장 행복한 새를 보았다. can be great we will help you-wayne can be great we will help you-wayne
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